
Butter... Ice... and 19 days... OH MY!

Goodness there is a lot to write about!
Here is a run down....

On wonderful Thanksgiving day we got up slow. Went to 7-eleven bought a news paper so we could look at the Black Friday deals, but then later realized, haha, were moving and don't need to buy ANYTHING!
After our little discovery we went to my parents home and made butter... yes butter!
It is a tradition that the kids shake whipping cream until it turns into butter every thanksgiving... this year we spiced things up and made it into a race, and I won! (even though Rick and my sister Maci would say it was a three way tie!)

The very next day the black Tercel I have had since high school died. Rick was on his way to work when it started to shake and make a horrible noise. We almost got it to PK auto in Draper when the engine stopped and the car started to smoke... it looked super scary and I thought for sure It was going to blow up! I guess it threw a rod and would have been $3500 to fix, so we sold it for $50 to the auto shop owner :)

The next week "the blizzard that wasn't" came and went but left us with lots of Ice sickles! We decided to have fun in the snow and Ice while we could!

Now we only have 19 days! I cant believe we are in the teens... seriously it has flown by. 
We have been packing, packing, packing. I got rid of 3 giant bags of clothes, about 20 near empty bottles of lotion and body wash, makeup, unused nick-nacks, ect... I can't believe how much you can accumulate in about two years!
It still feels unreal to me... I don't think it will hit me until the humid salt water smelling air flows through the open door of the plane. The other day someone asked me how I was doing... I laughed and said it depends... with my sisters laughing and singing Taylor Swift christmas songs I am happy, but then sad because I know the time is slipping away... Listening to my piano student that has not practiced for the whole last year, even though recital is on saturday, EXCITED.... Thinking about what do we do if our luggage is lost, or how we will make all the little ends meet equals scared... and that all occurs in about 2 minutes of my mind! So I have narrowed it down to a simple answer "I am a sea of emotion :) But I have faith it will be wonderful!"

1 comment:

  1. It is crazy how soon you guys are going. I hope you didn't just give your clothes to DI because you have way cute clothes and I totally would have rummaged through them lol. jk but you still have really really cute clothes. Next time we come out to sandy we will have to come say bye to you guys. Love ya
