
Winter Ball

I have a secret. Something only a handful of people know about. Something that "tragically" happened to me while in High School. It involved a really mean girl, a mean boy, and prom. Long story short I didn't go to prom and the mean boy and girl did. My cute dad trying to cheer me up the night of prom... took me out to a FANCY three course dinner, but when we arrived at the fancy restaurant we found out the really mean girl, the mean boy, and about 20 other couples from high school were there as well. Needless to say I was happy when that night was over.

One night while Rick and I were engaged, he found out about my "tragic" high school prom story. He lovingly told me he was sorry and would have taken me and then we moved on and talked about other things. Well last month on Valentines day I found this in the bathroom:

And last night we went here...

My beyond cute Husband remembered that story when he saw flyers around the school for the winter ball. So he asked me... I got all cute and fancy... we had a yummy dinner... Danced until we were completely pooped... and what made it even better my wonderful date didn't even have to drop me off! 
It was a happy magical night indeed!


  1. cute, very cute! but i am dying to know the prom story! you must share!

  2. Okay cutest story ever..you and rick are basically adorable!

  3. I love this!! Good job, Rick! Those mean people make us stronger, but so much nicer to replace those memories with wonderful ones!
