
Washington DC meets Rick

Rick has officially been home for 2 weeks and so I thought it was time to write about his amazing trip!!

It all started out with 23 hours of flying! Never live in Hawaii if you plan on traveling throughout the Mainland US because it just equals extra long plane rides!
When Rick finally did land this was one of his first pictures....

That would be a blurry drive by of our future home... where we would have brunch every sunday and talk about weekly polo games. 

Rick stayed at a super nice hotel in Bethesda Maryland... It sounds far away but it was just 15 minutes from Washington DC! It was a pretty busy week for him... he learned how to use the metro, met with Discovery Channel Communications, NPR, American Red Cross, The Pentagon, The Department of State, LDS Public affairs, some public relations firms, as well as an Area Seventy, former state senator of Oregon, Congresswoman of Hawaii, Congressman of American Samoa, and a group of BYUH alumni.

  (inside the metro and Discovery Channel)

Most the people Rick met with were former BYU students so they took his group on tours the public doesn't usually get to see! Like the senate floor where the President gives his state of the union address, the halls of the pentagon (pictures were not allowed though... sad day!), and The department of state.
He also was able to squeeze in some sight seeing...

We could write a book about this amazing trip full of wonderful experiences and spiritual insights, but all in all we are grateful for the opportunity Rick was able to have to meet so many amazing people and get a more sure feel for our future. 
We will leave you with one of our conversations that I love...
Alicia "so do you like it there? Do you think I would like it in DC?"
Rick "YES! It is so cool, there is embassy row on one street, Chanel and a bunch of other fancy stores on the next!"
Alicia" oh so you think you will make enough money for me to shop at Chanel?!?!"
Rick "ummm.... haha"


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