

Oh Hello blogging world!
It is nice to meet you again!

We have had a wonderfully busy summer with lots of beach time, work time, school/study time, making wonderful friends time, kayaking time, sick time, up and down time, visiting friends and family time... and now Fall semester has started which brings a new beginning and that cool crisp air the same tropical swaying palm tree breeze!

I could update you on a million and one things of the summer but instead I thought I would just restart this here blog with something that gave me a happy feeling today:

You should hope on over to THIS blog and read her post about "Why are Mormons so cool?"
I loved her perspective and if you have the time read the comments... made me all warm and fuzzy inside!

1 comment:

  1. Love that you are back! I have been wondering how you two are doing out there! Keep up the posting!
