

One of the most interesting things about being a hale coordinator is loving 426 girls like they were always part of my life. The part I never expected to experience until I had my own kids though is the worry and concern for the world that they live in. It has really stuck out to me the last couple months how crazy and corrupt the worlds values and opinions are.

The world will tell you dressing immodest will make you attractive to others.
The world will tell you that you have to have the right brands of clothing and shoes to fit in.
The world will tell you to show you have confidence bring others down. 
The world will tell you if you are not swarmed by friends you must be nothing.
The world will tell you that you must have all these things to be beautiful.

I hope these 426 girls realize that none of that is true. I hope they can see past the screaming ads and empty promises. I hope they will realize to have all these things and more they only need to know who they are. I hope they have the courage to keep their standards and hold their values high in an ever darkening world.
I hope they will realize there is a wonderful promise from being your own kind of beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. This is why I love the visiting teaching message for this month. Thinking of raising my baby in this world is so scary, but as long as we help our kids understand that they are children of God and we honor our covenants, we need not fear. Love it!
