While going through our pictures and organizing them. I found this one from Valentines day that I really love.
I love our touristy leis, I love the memory associated, and most of all I love the perfect glimpse of the happiness I feel every day when Rick and I are together. I love that we can have fun while even standing in the grocery line. I love that Rick just gets me and knows what I am thinking and feeling in any particular moment. I love the support system we have for each other. I love the way it feels to wake up next to my best friend every morning and talk about the crazy dreams we had, and the ones we want to make reality.
I just love us.
haha so to celebrate the cheesyfestness (ya i made up that word and you are free to use it!) I felt while looking at this picture I made a button for my blog...
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Happy cheeseyfestness day!
Correction. You are the only one with crazy dreams :)