
90th Birthday

Ricks Grandma turned 90 on saturday!
So the big reveal of what I have been working (ahem.... slaving.... ahem) on!

So this is what the finished product looks like from my "sneak peak" post a couple of weeks ago. Just let me warn you.... if someone tells you it is going to take a long time to make something, BELIEVE THEM! That said I am so grateful for all the help I received! It turned into a wonderful blessing! I got to catch up with so many friends and with my wonderful mom who came over SERIOUSLY every night! 

So I was in charge of all the decorations for the party. It was fun! I got to go crafty crazy! The pictures are not the best because of wonderful yellow church lighting but here it is...

 Those pink pom pom balls you see on the side of the happy birthday sign are my new favorite things ever! But after the party was over, I started to get sad. The decorations that took over my world only had a life of about 3 hours. Sad day. With that said I can cross another one of my Dream Job's off the Dream Job list. Wedding planner. I have come to the conclusion after the reception I don't think I would let the bride and groom leave! I would make them have their honeymoon under those paper lanterns! haha Just kidding, but I would probably go home and happy cry because it's over... then later realize "it's really over" and cry some more. And if you know me... well then you know I cry about everything, so no more tears. Thank. You.

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