
Some Surprises

I am so happy it is spring!!! I just hope it stays this way! I need some warm weather to start my BIG projects! I feel like now I will be getting down to business, the real stuff!
The last couple months I have been collecting what some people would call complete junk but I call TREASURE... and some times free treasure that is!

So here is my sneak peak at what I am starting this week...

Before you die of what my cousin calls "the yuckyies" Just wait... just you wait! Soon you will be hunting, searching, and dreaming about the perfect ottoman table just like I was! I am SO excited to get started on this!!


  1. I'm excited to see what you are doing with this! LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! :) Thanks for finally updating! I have been waiting!! haha.

  2. HAHA your welcome! Thanks for always commenting! It makes me feel like Im not posting into a void of nothingness :) LOVE YOU!
