
Ottoman er...Table Strip Down

So a couple weeks ago I posted about how lucky I was to have found an beautiful ottoman. Well come to find out, it was only a table :( Sad day. But I was determined to make it an ottoman. It will just need a little tweaking. Due to bad Utah weather, this project might take longer than a couple of days. So that said I decided to make posts along the way. This is what we did last night.

This is the nasty top layer of fabric. We pulled it off!

Only to find another nasty layer of fabric.... 

And another!

And then there was about 20 layers of batting and a layer of foam! Goodness! Soon we were all swimming in stained fabric, batting, and yellow foam!
But then when she was all cleaned up this is what were left with!

Not to shabby! But I have some grand plans for this! I promise it will be an ottoman haha so the next step was to take off the top! So thanks to my super strong husband he was able to pry it off! YAY!

Now is where the real fun begins!! All I have to do is some sanding, cutting, and painting and Ill be back! 

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