
Of Rain and Dreams

It is raining, raining, raining!
And I am dreaming, dreaming, dreaming of finishing my ottoman!
I usually am one not to complain of the weather but I cant get this project out of my mind, I am so excited! I just wish I could tie a little message onto a bird and send it out to those rain clouds and say "Please stop raining... I have such a wonderful project to finish but I need sunshine." To which they would respond quite promptly "oh no problem, I will stop in about 5 minutes, and leave you with a beautiful rainbow to stare at while your spray paint dries."
But while I await to become a magic version of Mary Poppins here is some inspiration!

I love the legs on this one! So classic looking.

Tufting and light blue.... dreamy!

I absolutely love the shape of this one! Mine wont have anything in common with this one but I love the shape and the brown :)

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