

Well I can just say when Heavenly Father wants you to do something.... he sure lets you know it!
Exhibit A:

{This was LAST NIGHT... Rick finishing up is application essays for BYU Hawaii}

Today we checked our email, and had an email from BYU saying that BYU Hawaii would contact us within four weeks. BUT............
Right below that email was this:

28 May 2010

Rick Plehn
10324 South 2505 East
Sandy, UT 84092

Dear Rick:

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for admission beginning Winter 2011. You have shown that you are academically prepared, and also committed to upholding the high standards of the university.

To assist you in developing a graduation plan with your Academic Advisor, you will soon receive a copy of your transfer credit evaluation from the Registrar's Office. If you are enrolled in classes at your current school, you should request an official transcript to be sent to us at the end of the semester or term.

Please go to our website at http://admissions.byuh.edu/Instructions for instructions on how to register. It is imperative that you download and complete the Intent to Enroll form and return it to Admissions as soon as possible.

We wish you every success in your educational efforts and look forward to seeing you on campus. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Asai Gilman
Assistant Director of Admissions
(808) 675-3738

We are SO excited... but now it feels real and it is hitting us that we have so much to do and figure out in the next 6 months! Wish us luck!



  1. Alicia! I'm so happy I found your blog! You and your husband are SO cute! And I love love love how you decorate your apartment! You're amazing. And congrats about Hawaii! That will be such an adventure :)

  2. SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! HAWAII?! how sweet is that?!! =]
