
Dino Party

This weekend was Kieran's, much anticipated, two year old birthday party! I think we were the last people in Utah to experience the Dinosaur Museum, and after the event we felt we had been missing out! We had a blast, for two hours Rick and I turned into little kids again!

Here I am touching a REAL fossil! It had a hand picture by it... so don't you worry i'm not breaking any rules :)

The GIANT RIB CAGE of a long neck {ha I cant remember the -orus name!}
And his feet!

In front of a Raptor! EEK

Entering a hole in a rock.... cave man style!

We got to build our very own dinosaur.... but we got side tracked {hehe}

Seen the movie Ice Age? Remember sid the sloth? Well he is HUGE in real life!

This is a the head of a shark in the dinosaur period. They told us for every inch of one of his teeth, he was 100 feet long!! This one would have been about 430 feet long!!!

I love this picture. I like how I'm in the midst of all these little kids. Notice my family to one side acting normal, this is a everyday occurence... Alicia with the little ones. 
Then notice the kid to my right? I heard him whisper to his mom with my grown up ears "Mom why is she playing in the sand? she's old?" I wanted to tell him "Hey I don't turn 21 for 16 days" but I was too busy stealing his palm tree :) 

This is Rick and I in front of that bird named Kevin, in "up"! But trust me he doesn't like chocolate!

Rick found his long lost cousin! haha this picture gives me the giggles :)

Us uncovering a new dinosaur, we never truly found out what he looks like, but his bone structure sure was nice :)

And me with the birthday boy and his neighbor Avery. This picture melts my heart. Moving to Hawaii will be the hardest thing ever because of this little boy. He has been one of the biggest parts of my life for the last two years. I love when he learns something new and looks up at me and says "THANK YOU SHEESHA!" I love when he sees me, he runs over to me and wraps his little arms around my legs.
I love that he has taught me more than I think I have taught him in the last two years {mac and cheese really is the best food group, there was no rain in the song "itsy bitsy spider" only rainbows, and a fan should be named a Taco} I am proud of him and the little sweetheart he is!


  1. We love the dinosaur museum. We don't love the stupid hand stamp that stays on forever. Fun birthday celebration!

  2. Thanks :) It was so fun! We want to go back already! Maybe we should plan a family trip.

  3. Awww... I love this post! So glad y'all had fun. And, I can think of hundreds of examples of how you have affected Kieran's growth and life and happiness! From Octopus hot dogs... to hot potato games... to his love of the library... you helped make him the cool, smart little guy he is! He loves his Sheesha!
