
Our First Anniversary

Once in a while right in the middle of ordinary life, love gives you a fairy tale... after all this blog is named all cheesy and such right?

It all started with this castle

Well really this castle, but we will get to that later!

Thursday night Rick took me back to our honeymoon castle! It was so fun and as wonderful as I remembered it. We walked around the pretty gardens, ate pizza in bed, opened the fun cards and gifts we made for each other, and just enjoyed relaxing and {for what felt like the first time in a year} Had absolutely no obligations! It was wonderful!

Dreams came and went and as morning came in, we ignored the sunlight peaking through the curtains, and slept and slept. When we were finally awakened by true loved kiss... we went down and had the amazing breakfast they serve in the castle gardens! {side note... that diet we were on magically disappeared for the weekend, and because this is our fairy tale, no we didn't gain a single pound!}

When we came back to Castle a la Plehn (hehe) We were so fortunate to find this:

{curtsey of my mother and sisters}

And These :)

{From my loving husband!}

As night approached once again, the prince told the princess to get fancy... they were going out!
The desination???? The Roof! {a place I have always wanted to go!} It was so delicious we tried just about everything! I had as much shrimp and creme brulee as my stomach could handle! It was so fun, they even put a little sign on our table that said HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

After dinner we went and took pictures around temple square. It was warm and the sky had a beautiful sunset, but boy was it windy! Rick will tell you it only made everything that much more entertaining  fun... right?

The weekend ended as well as it started. We saw Shrek 4 appropriately named Shrek forever after, drove around with the windows down listening to our wedding mix from the year previous, danced to our "first  dance" song in the rain filled parking lot, had a picnic, stared up into the star lit sky making up our own constellations, found the YUMMIEST gormet donuts, and had so many laughs and fun moments that none of these pictures do our weekend justice! It is only two days later and I am already wishing I could go back and re-fall in love with the wonderful man that is my husband over and over again!

{well at least until another year!}

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heck! You two are SO adorable! And I love how it just sounds like a fairytale weekend :) Congrats on your one year anniversary!!!
