
The Smell of Books

Do you ever find yourself walking around Barnes and Nobel, sipping a strawberry frapp. wishing you could buy every crisp new book in sight? Do you get excited when your hubby says "date night at the Library?"{Involving going to every library in the SLC system to buy books from the book sale?} Do you plan on having your own personal library in your house one day?
Well I sure do!!
 I have made a new goal for the summer......
I am going to read 5 Books!!
Some of you are reading this saying only five? I can read five in a day, ha and with my eyes closed! But this is a big number for me considering I am taking a full load this semester. I just realized I have not read a single book since December! So enough is enough I am reading this summer even if It is while driving! {Watch out world!}

So every time I read one of my books I will post about it :)All this talk about books got me thinking the overused question......
"if you were stranded on a desert Island what five books would you take?

Numero Uno: 

I love this book from the perfect cover {do judge this book by the outside!}to the way it feels like it knows the part of me that is hungry for travel and different cultures. 


Im a sucker for a simple cute fairy tale. This is a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast story. I can't count the number of times I have read it. No matter what it always leaves me feeling happy from the inside out!

Number Three:

Okay... okay... I really will admit it. I am a sucker for a good cover. I bought this book from the book sale at the library, knowing nothing about it and not even reading the inside flap. I figure if it stinks at least it will look pretty on the shelf :) 
Talk about finding a jem! AMAZING!

Number 4:

I still remember being in third grade and my teacher, Mrs. Lyman, read us the first book. The story captured me and my love of reading developed. seriously. 
Harry Potter will always have a soft spot in my heart!


While it may not still be politically correct, this book is sitting on our shelves just waiting for our one day kids to open it and discover how little Black Sambo loses his clothes to a pack of tigers and they in turn run so fast they churn into butter.

So What are your favorite Five?

1 comment:

  1. I love the library.
    I love having my own little library even more.
    Last night, Brian and I put the kids to bed and read in the library. He reads the church books, I read the fiction.
    We are nerds.
    But it makes us happy, so I don't care.
    You are in luck! I have the list of the 5 books you must read:
    The book thief,
    The guernsey literary and potato peel society,
    The glass castle,
    The hunger games,
    and Catching fire (sequel to the hunger games)

    I will get back to you on my fav's.

    oh and I own all of the afore mentioned books so if you need to borrow...
    (I better go make sure no one else has already borrowed them!)
