
Twenty- One!

Growing up I realized that birthdays just were not going to be the same, compared to when I was turning five. For example...

I never got a birth week celebration, Only Birthdays.

{sunday at my parents house!}

{chicken grape salad sandwiches! YUM!}

{Ice cream cake!}

I never woke up to a card on the pillow next to me, only alarm clocks.

I never got 21 hearts hidden throughout the house telling me why I am so loved, Only plan ole cards.

I never got Cheesecake one night... Midnight cupcakes the next... and then to top everything off sees chocolate the next day, only the regular cake and ice cream.

{Tuesday after my dinner at the Cheesecake Factory!}

{Wednesday MY BIRTHDAY!!}

I never got a pile of chapter books, flip flops, lotion, and a shopping spree... only toys.

I never went with my hubby to see the newest chick-flick filled with screaming 12 year olds, only with my 12 year old girl friends :)

I have never had a more wonderful, loving, spoiled, and happy birthday that I can remember! Thanks to everyone that made it not only such a wonderful day but week! LOVE YOU RICHARD :)

{The mantel full of cards!}

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday and that you are very well loved! =]
