
Stay-k = Vay-k

During the summer My family seemed to always have about 3 different vacations planned. This summer my new family {aka Me and Rick :)} are on a tight saving budget for our two year trip to hawaii hehe HOORAY! But I have been feeling restless and wanted the sand in my toes and the sun on my skin.
So we tried the next best thing.....


When Rick came home a couple of weeks ago I had our staycation all set up. 
The goal to go nowhere and do nothing but stay at HOME and RELAX!
We had a fun Itinerary set up with of course first checking in the hotel {putting on beach clothes}laying out reading our favorite magazines or books, and even a water balloon fight!
And just like a real vacation I made sure we had lots of yummy snacks and meals!

{welcome sign}

{Flip flop ONLY zone}

{to check in you must wear beach attire}

{beach basket full of books/magazines, towels, sunscreen, and water balloons!}

{paper lanterns make this feel far far away}

{half the time we are already in hawaii... the other off the coast of france}

{yummy tropical fruit.... and an avocado!}

{Yummy Steaks, corn, and pasta salad!}
{all made by the staycation staff of course :)}

{Our room number}

{The end}

1 comment:

  1. This is such a ridiculously cute idea!!! I hope your staycation was fab! xx
