
It's Love

Wow what a break from the blogging world this has been for me! Life has been so crazy... a million things to blog about, all of  which will come in the following weeks Im sure. But today I just wanted to write a blog about the many miracles that have been happening all around us.

I am filled with so much gratitude for my father in Heaven and his love for me. Today I slept in. I didn't have a class to rush off to. No dishes to be put away, not a crumb on the floor to be swept, no homework was awaiting my attention. What a feeling that was!
While I went about my morning I kept the T.V. and Ipod playlists off and enjoyed the serenity I felt.
Then all the sudden, Like a ton of bricks hitting me in the chest, i felt that feeling of watching puzzle pecies fitting together and realized while the last couple months I have been running around, mighty miracles had been happening and I had barely acknowledged them. So here are a couple I would like to share!

-With more than perfect timing and a million prayers, my little brother has finally gotten a new start and a much needed push in the right direction. While his future choices are still a mystery. I know for a fact that our Heavenly Father is with him and is helping his path turn a brighter corner.

-Hawaii. I know I have blogged a lot about us moving to Hawaii  in the last months but every day I am more amazed and convinced this is the right place for us. Take today for example....
When Rick and I prayed about applying to BYU Hawaii and BYU Provo we didn't know which one to choose. We just knew that those were the places we needed to apply and had the impression that "IT WOULD BE VERY CLEAR." I have often thought about that feeling and sure enough,  not only was Rick accepted to BYU Hawaii in less than 12 hours (which never happens!) today we got a letter that his application was denied to BYU Provo. So I guess there can't be any questions in our minds :)

- Everyone told me that dating someone for 4 months would not be enough time to get to know them. haha well they were very right. It is amazing to me the timing of Rick and I meeting. It is amazing to me how it all happened so fast and perfect. It is amazing to me how I thought I knew the man I was marrying, and how everyday I am more convinced he was the ONLY one because of his kindness, selflessness, patience, and love with me. I marvel at the qualities I never knew he possessed in our 4 months of dating, and how Heavenly Father knew I could never live without them.

Those are some pretty big miracles in my life, but the amazing thing is thats not all! There are a million every day blessings like finding the medicine you need is on sale to finding your keys in a pretty random spot :). It makes me feel so much love and appreciation for our wonderful Father in Heaven who lets us know his love and care for each of us!!

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