

For the most part we really love living in Hawaii, although some things take some getting used to or just a double take for that matter.

Number one:
The stop signs are blue and the fire hydrants are yellow!
I have proof!

Number two:
Hawaiians love their spam. Seriously there is spam everywhere and in everything.
for those of you who don't know I am allergic to ham and a couple of days ago we found out spam is not a great option for me either!
(apparently spam is partly ground up ham... and about 20 other meats to, blah)
There is even spam flavored macadamia nuts...
sorry if that made you barf.

Number Three:
The highest speed limit on the island is 60 and that is only if you are on the freeway... the highway which is the basic route to anywhere is 45 tops.
So Honolulu (or town as the locals call it) is only 25 miles away.... but takes us about an hour to get to.

Number Four:
Locals have the prettiest accent... but always end their sentences with Ya? It made it kind of confusing at first because it makes everything sound like a question (or crazy like they are in a silent conversation, agreeing with themselves).
For example:
Thats a big wave!... ya.
Your shirt is red... ya. 
you get the idea... Ya. :)

Number Five:
In town there is underground parking lots at walmart... target... pretty much everywhere. I wouldn't mind but at night it is kinda creepy.

Number Six:
Geckos. Not only do people tell you that your blessed if they come in your house (which now I see the advantage) but they bark! haha! The first couple of nights I thought our fan was going to come flying off the ceiling because it sounded so weird... but later I saw a gecko make that crazy noise! 

Number Seven:
We are a minority. Never in my life have I felt like I was so different than everyone else. 
But the neatest thing is I have met so many different people from so many different parts of the world, and not only that found I had things in common with them. 
For example I met a girl the other day that was from Japan and we started talking and she told me she just got here straight off her mission from Salt Lake City.

Number Eight:
There are wild chickens and roosters EVERYWHERE.
Pray they don't find there way into your yard or you might be waking up at the crack of dawn.

Hawaii is an amazing place, even though it has its little quirks. We feel so blessed to be here in this amazing place, with such amazing weather for that matter.
But on that subject... here is a tip:
Wear SPF 50 or higher until you get a tan.... Rick looks like a cooked lobster tonight!


  1. You're making me homesick for Hawaii! I know you had a hard start there, but I will tell you it will be even harder to leave. Hawaii and it's people have a way of getting into your soul and never letting go! Enjoy the island, the people and the different things you are learning. You will come back here thinking very differently than when you left! Aloha!

  2. okay so the chicken thing is great if they leave the eggs!
    I am not a fan of underground parking either. too quiet and dark that is a creepy combo for sure.
    i like the blue stop signs
    and boo to the ham spam! that makes me ill just thinking about it!
