Let me catch my breath for a moment and tell you, yes were still alive and breathing!
Here is some proof
It has been one amazing month, and a lot has happened so here is an overview :)
1. We moved out of our tiny dramatic beach hut and into a 2 bedroom apartment... with get this.... a stove, an AC (this is exciting folks having an AC in Hawaii is LUX-ER-Y), an actual shower and tub, and lots of extra space! I promise that you will get a tour soon :)
2. I am loving loving loving my new job. I go to bed every night completely worn out, but it is a happy worn out. There is nothing like knowing your right where your supposed to be doing something Heavenly Father wants, It is a very peaceful feeling even though we live among 400 girls!
3. Rick is a rock star in school. Last semester he got ALL A's! I am so proud of him! He works so hard and it shows... which brings me too:
4. Come June 6 Rick will be in Washington DC for a week. He got invited to go meet with the department of state and the LDS church office of affairs! It is a wonderful opportunity for him to meet some possible future employers and get an exact idea if the Foreign service will be right for us. This boy is going places people! I am just happy get to tag along where ever our lives may take us.
So that is a general overview! I promise to update more often. I will talk more about my job, what exactly i do... give you a tour of our new home... and talk about some visitors who will be joining us soon :)
I found your blog and I hope you don't mind that I read it. It sounds like you guys are having a blast!! I am so excited for you two.