
Moment of Love #10

This was our first picture together on this little Island that we now live on. We had puffy eyes, lots of mosquito bites(hence the red nose I am proudly sporting), shaky stress hands, but most importantly we had each other. If I had not had Rick I would have left Hawaii in that first week. It was that hard. This was our first real adventure and boy was it going to be an ADVENTURE! 
Someone could make a comedy movie about our first little week, where everything goes wrong and in the end they find happiness, love, and have learned a great lesson. I have since been so very very very grateful for that hard adventure. It taught us some amazing things one of which that when everything goes wrong it is really not that bad as long as you have someone by your side :)

1 comment:

  1. this post is great -- and so true I've found since being married! haha
    You have a great blog!
