
Feels like forever...

Today I remembered I had a blog, Life has just been that crazy!
We have had guest move in and then move out, Finals, Spring-er-izing the house chores, Birthday parties, Primary activities, Teenage sister's in need of their middle school drama encouragement, Application processes for graduation and new schools, and just when it looked like things might slow down...
Summer semester starts with a whole new 12 credits.
I might be missing in action for a little bit longer :)

1 comment:

  1. Im so happy for you. You can tell you guys are truly living up being married! I love reading your blog..your decorating skills amazes me! & yes girl you can totally start a gratitude jar. Just when you make it huge and you become a billionaire over it ... remember me! hahah jk no I think its a great idea even with out children. Neil doesnt understand it yet so its more to let Matt and I fall more in love everytime we read a little something one of us did for the other. Go for it!!
