

So I thought I would post about some of the things I am obsessing about, so you can get an idea about what has been going on in our lives!


After saving for what feels like a million years, we are finally getting this baby on May 25! Why May 25? Why not tomorrow? The 1st of June? Because after looking for the best deal all last week... we went to Costco to buy it, and they were out :( sadness day... but they will be getting more... I just have to wait till the 25. I am so excited, every time I look at it I jump up and down like a little girl that has had too much cotton candy!


YUMMY! Have you heard of The Sweet Tooth Fairy? They have the yummiest cupcakes....
I think I have gained about 5 pounds in the last week! So you know if you happen to want to swing by there, Give me a call, I might tag along!


Rick Graduates with his associates this summer! I am so proud of him! I just wish I would be done now too :) So the next step? Applying for schools! Our top pick is BYU Hawaii! To Be honest I know he will get accepted, It is just one of the things that Heavenly Father is already preparing us for!
But don't worry we do have a back up plan, you know just in case Hawaii disappears like the Island on Lost :) BYU Provo. The last couple days we have been finishing up applications and I have the lurking feeling life is going to change dramatically once more. Don't worry I will keep you up on ANY updates!

So now do you see why I am obsessing about these things? 
I want a camera to document our crazy, wonderful, fast moving life. Really.... I dream about it constantly!I also have been dreaming of laying on the beach eating those wonderful cupcakes.... only to find out I look like a beached whale in a swim suite!

I guess it's time to stop eating the cupcakes :( So on second thought don't call me!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with attending BYU-Hawaii, having grown up in Hawaii. I can tell you that it is a nice cozy school with small enrollment and walking distance to the Temple and the beach. It is a bit like SLCC with some culture and a beach added. I just wish the cost of living wasn't so high...last time back home my parents were selling their house and retiring. But 4 years back a gallon of milk was $8. Anyway with just 2 to feed it shouldn't be too bad. If my family could afford it we would still be there...it is so totally different than any other place. Good Luck!
