
The Rainbow after the storm!

Thank you all for your prayers... wow fasting and praying are powerful things! 
In a matter of two days we have gone from completely hopeless mess... to happy actually sleeping human beings! 

Monday was filled with some more ups and downs... but we were able to stay positive. And really positive, there was one point in the day where I was so stressed and scared that my lips were literally shaking! All I wanted to do was cry... but then I said a prayer and all the sudden a funny thought came into my mind... "At least your lips learned a new trick!"

Tuesday was a crazy day but amazing! We had prayed really hard the night before because we were not sure how everything was going to work out but just asked Heavenly Father to guide us... and he did :)
The morning started off with a fireside with the president of BYU Hawaii. It was just what we needed, he talked a lot about how students feel guided here and when they get here expect everything to go perfectly because they are here, they think the hard part is over! But he said that satan would still try to discourage you and that you need to stay positive and have faith because if your so scared and stressed there is no way heavenly father can guide you! Talk about what we needed to hear! So after that we got a call from our landlord who said that our house was still not ready... she said that they had been smoking the place but kept finding cockroaches. So she bought a Termanex contract and so they were coming to get rid of them so we could finally move in, in a couple of days. She also said because it is a contract that if we ever see cockroaches again we can call her and they will come take care of it! HOORAY! (goodness I still feel like it was a dream walking into that house... with everything COMPLETELY covered in cockroaches...yuck!) 
Then it was new student orientation day... so we went off to get a million things signed off for rick, but on the way a miracle happened! We started talking to a girl who told us about her friends that were desperately trying to sell their car... and I in turn told her we are desperately trying to buy a car! So she gave me her number and I texted her later that day..... now you will just have to keep reading to find out what happened next!
After we were able to get Rick's Student ID and then there was a break in-between orientation meetings so while we were preparing to walk the 1/2 hour treck home for lunch we decided to make a stop at the temple distribution center... and long story short I found out about a service opportunity to become a service missionary! I am so excited about it! I will have something actually to be involved in over here! 
I am going to work in the distribution center on Thursdays from 2-5... so if any of you haole's (thats what they call rick and I over here because we are white) want to come over to Hawaii to buy garments, ill be your girl! 
As if all of this was not exciting enough... The rest of the day we were able to spend at the PCC and eat at a luau! We took pictures so I will let them speak for themselves!

(ignore my red nose... apparently Mosquitoes love to bite the very tip of it, making me look like rudolph)

So today was another amazing day. Rick went to his first day of classes, I ran around campus doing this and that oh and we bought a car! Although it is not the same one mentioned from earlier, but it did help us find this one! So we had been emailing the students back and forth all day, We were about to call them but there was a lot of noise in the Aloha Center so we went down a quiet hallway...
And behold the bulletin board that we had been checking numerous times a day had a car ad on it!! We checked both cars out today, and after weighing the options because they both were asking for the same price we decided on the red convertible, with 20000 less miles and brand new tires!

So yes we got off to a rocky start but things are going better, and i'm sure they will keep going up!


  1. That awesome! Got the living situation worked out, the car situation worked out, school in session and working out, all that's left is work, right?
    Then it's live and love!

  2. Yep pretty much just work, because I'm not a student I have heard its a little tough to find a job, but I have a feeling that as long as I stay positive it will work out just like everything else!
