

Well I can just say when Heavenly Father wants you to do something.... he sure lets you know it!
Exhibit A:

{This was LAST NIGHT... Rick finishing up is application essays for BYU Hawaii}

Today we checked our email, and had an email from BYU saying that BYU Hawaii would contact us within four weeks. BUT............
Right below that email was this:

28 May 2010

Rick Plehn
10324 South 2505 East
Sandy, UT 84092

Dear Rick:

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you have been selected for admission beginning Winter 2011. You have shown that you are academically prepared, and also committed to upholding the high standards of the university.

To assist you in developing a graduation plan with your Academic Advisor, you will soon receive a copy of your transfer credit evaluation from the Registrar's Office. If you are enrolled in classes at your current school, you should request an official transcript to be sent to us at the end of the semester or term.

Please go to our website at http://admissions.byuh.edu/Instructions for instructions on how to register. It is imperative that you download and complete the Intent to Enroll form and return it to Admissions as soon as possible.

We wish you every success in your educational efforts and look forward to seeing you on campus. Please contact us if you have any questions.


Asai Gilman
Assistant Director of Admissions
(808) 675-3738

We are SO excited... but now it feels real and it is hitting us that we have so much to do and figure out in the next 6 months! Wish us luck!


Camera Fun

We finally got our awesome camera... So we have been having fun taking some pictures!

{Us on our walk in the gully}

{Me Being Excited about our new camera}

{Rick taking advantage of the shutter speed... To capture my triumphant fall}

{and the Laughing walk of hurt}

{and Finally my face when he tells me "it's ok honey, I'll buy you a kiddie cone!}

{Then all the sudden a plane fly's overhead...}


{Bringing behind it this beautiful sunset.....}


{And Temple}


Bad Day Cure

Today I had a downer of a day. Nothing seemed to go as expected and it never got better. BLAH.
My sweet husband must have had intuition.... 
After some long piano lessons, I walked into this:

Some beautiful Flowers and a precious love note!

Rosette Necklace take two

After a couple months I finally made another Rose Bib necklace... With Instructions :)

So first get some cute-a-lishous fabric!

Tear 1/2 inch strips of your fabric (I made 7 rosettes... so 7 strips)

Second you are going to Take the strip and Iron it in half.

Third Wrap the strip around a pencil.

Pull it off Gently.

And twirl it around into a flower :)

Next you are going to hot glue the flower to a small circle of felt, so it doesn't unravel.
After you have made all your rosettes arrange them in shape you want.

Place them on a full sheet of felt and trace around your shape... cut it out and glue the circles on.

Place your chain onto the bib and cut three pieces of ribbon....

You are going to make a loop with the ribbon, glueing down the ends to the felt. 
{That way you can switch out chains, depending on the length you desire}

Happy rosette Making!


Workin It Wednesday

Rick and I are so in love. So in love that for the last year we threw caution to the wind and ate whatever we wanted, when we wanted, and then snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie.
Let me just tell you that this is not an effective way to loose weight {period}
While having all the chocolate my hubby could buy me the last year was so YUMMY, we have decided to become a healthy, still very much in love, smaller couple!
So to help with our goal... I am venturing into becoming a real cook, not a what kind of meat can i through in with this "just add water" rice :)
So every wednesday I will post my favorite healthy recipe from the last week!

Today is:

{Dijon Pork Chops}

I stole this recipe from my mom, but it is from the south beach diet. I promise you will always want your pork chops this way!
This recipe serves 6.

1 cup whole-wheat or stone-ground breadcrumbs
1 Tablespoon melted Smart Spread (you can use butter)
2 Tablespoons Dijon Mustard (divided)
2 Tablespoons freshly grated parmesan cheese
1 Tablespoon chopped parsley (optional)
6 boneless pork loin chops
Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat the oven to 350 Degrees.

In a small bowl, mix the bread crumbs, butter, and 1 T of the mustard, parmesan cheese, and parsley.
Season the pork chops with salt and pepper. Spread the remaining Dijon mustard on one side of each chop and place the chops (plain side down) on a baking sheet.
Divide the breadcrumb mixture among the chops and pat them into the mustard.
Bake the chops until they are fully cooked and the breadcrumbs are nicely browned



So I thought I would post about some of the things I am obsessing about, so you can get an idea about what has been going on in our lives!


After saving for what feels like a million years, we are finally getting this baby on May 25! Why May 25? Why not tomorrow? The 1st of June? Because after looking for the best deal all last week... we went to Costco to buy it, and they were out :( sadness day... but they will be getting more... I just have to wait till the 25. I am so excited, every time I look at it I jump up and down like a little girl that has had too much cotton candy!


YUMMY! Have you heard of The Sweet Tooth Fairy? They have the yummiest cupcakes....
I think I have gained about 5 pounds in the last week! So you know if you happen to want to swing by there, Give me a call, I might tag along!


Rick Graduates with his associates this summer! I am so proud of him! I just wish I would be done now too :) So the next step? Applying for schools! Our top pick is BYU Hawaii! To Be honest I know he will get accepted, It is just one of the things that Heavenly Father is already preparing us for!
But don't worry we do have a back up plan, you know just in case Hawaii disappears like the Island on Lost :) BYU Provo. The last couple days we have been finishing up applications and I have the lurking feeling life is going to change dramatically once more. Don't worry I will keep you up on ANY updates!

So now do you see why I am obsessing about these things? 
I want a camera to document our crazy, wonderful, fast moving life. Really.... I dream about it constantly!I also have been dreaming of laying on the beach eating those wonderful cupcakes.... only to find out I look like a beached whale in a swim suite!

I guess it's time to stop eating the cupcakes :( So on second thought don't call me!


Feels like forever...

Today I remembered I had a blog, Life has just been that crazy!
We have had guest move in and then move out, Finals, Spring-er-izing the house chores, Birthday parties, Primary activities, Teenage sister's in need of their middle school drama encouragement, Application processes for graduation and new schools, and just when it looked like things might slow down...
Summer semester starts with a whole new 12 credits.
I might be missing in action for a little bit longer :)


Mothers Day Makeover

Introducing my beautiful Mom.

She is an amazing woman. She is the most selfless, hard working, and happy person I know. She has a degree in visual arts from byu and owns her own company, Pen and Paint, where she uses her amazing skills to paint murals and design business logo's. She devotes ALL her time not only making each one of her children's lives a dream come true, but about 2,000 others as well. She works with the Elementary schools promoting and running a program called meet the masters. The program helps children learn about famous artists and art styles. She teaches Art and piano lessons out of her home.  With her busy schedule... it is rare she gets any time for herself.  For mothers day we wanted to do something special. 
She is always saying she wishes she had time and money to update her home. So Rick and I set out with $25 and updated this cute little breakfast nook she has in her home....



Sorry the pictures are not the best. We got all of this either at D.I. or the Dollar store.
Not to shabby! And to make it even better my mom loves it!


Black and White Wishes

If I had just one wish I would wish for this...
Let me take you on a tour of my dream house (dream being the operative word :)

Welcome to my amazing foyer. Up those stairs and you your left is the master bedroom... that looks a little something like this.

I LOVE THAT HEADBOARD! I think I might make one up someday soon...hmmm.

Behind those doors to your right... my huge closet :) and straight ahead, the bathroom... 
that has one of these in it!

Back down stairs to the Living room...

One day I will have a picture wall like that one, ahhh.
Swap this couch and chair though with this one below and perfecto!

On to the kitchen. I can never decide between white cupboards or black. 

And for the dining room..

Love the chairs, chandelier, molding on the celling and walls, mirror like paint on the door behind it!

Notice a theme in through all of these pictures? I am a black and white addict. There I said it. I do love me some color but Black and white is so classic and clean looking. I don't know when this faze will run out. I thought for sure I would change in a month or two, but it just might be here to stay :) haha, well until Rick and I have a few kiddo's. 



I was featured on Remodelholic! YAY! You can check out the post of my Screen HERE!
I never thought they would consider, my tiny little blog! HAPPY DAY!